Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Zanpa Misaki Okinawa (B&W)

I just bought a Nikon D7000 body as an early Christmas present to myself, I had the day off, a crazy strong northerly weather front was on top of us and I thought why not go grab some shots of waves smashing onto rocks and put my new weather proofed dslr through its paces. Zanpa Misaki (Cape Zanpa) is a very well known and notorious place in Okinawa, great for fishing, sightseeing, surfing and much more. it’s jagged cliffs and rocks are amazing to behold, however it has also claimed it’s fair share of lives. With huge swells ripping in from the north through deep seas, and slamming into the cliffs, rouge waves are a real danger here.

Here are a few shots I took today, was having a nightmare keeping sea spray off of my lens, while negotiating razor sharp rocks and gale force winds, and although the shots looked great in colour, I was in the mood for some black & white today…enjoy and feel free to comment.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Orion Beer Fest 2011

Just a few photos from the Orion beer festival here in Okinawa...It was a great time, a very positive atmosphere and fantastic to see both the local and military communities have so much fun together.

Manami, she stole the show in my opinion!

Words fail me, what a legend!
Eisa, the locals train hard at it, and love every minute of it!

Okinawa embraces it culture, here is a girl doing a traditional Okinawan dance.

Manami getting the crowd pumped with her amazing voice.

Buy a balloon from a cutie.

The locals in Okinawa love to have fun and smile for the camera

Eisa, traditional Okinawan dance is a serious and awesome part of the culture here

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hiji Waterfalls ー 比地大滝

Just a few photographs from Hiji waterfalls, a beautiful spot that I recommend visiting if you come to Okinawa.


The main waterfall at the end of the hiking trail.

Technically you aren't supposed to swim here

Great place to cool off

Slow water in the shade

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Okinawan Sunsets

Here are a few sunsets I have taken recently around Okinawa.
